『Cuisinart CRC-400 Rice Cooker, Stainless Steel, 4-Cup』はセカイモンでbbhaqznqから出品され、64の入札を集めて12月30日 17時 53分に、18260円で落札されました。即決価格は18260円でした。決済方法はに対応。山梨県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Cuisinart CRC-400 Rice Cooker, Stainless Steel, 4-Cup
Size:4-Cup Product Description Now making the perfect rice dish is easy with the brushed stainless Cuisinart Rice Cooker. Its steam vent helps to prevent splattering, while its chrome-plated handles stay cool to the touch. Use the built-in tray to steam other foods while the rice is cooking; when you"re done, the non-stick coating and durable construction make cleanup a breeze. Amazon.com Healthy cooking and sleek modern design meld in this rice cooker from Cuisinart. A smaller version of the eight-cup cooker, this one also features a handsome brushed stainless-steel exterior, a square shape with rounded corners, chrome-plated handles, and a glass lid with a stainless rim, chrome knob, and steam vent hole. Inside you"ll find a high-quality stainless-steel steaming basket and a nonstick cooking bowl that produces 4 to 7 cups of rice. The cooker also steams vegetables and thin cuts of meat, creating a complete, fat-free meal with little effort. Besides various types of rice, the cooker cooks couscous, polenta, oatmeal, boiled eggs, shrimp, and much more. An included booklet presents gourmet recipes for such mouth-watering meals as Creamy Parmesan Risotto with Asparagus, and Teriyaki Steamed Chicken with Cranberry Wild Rice. One lever is all that"s required to flip the machine on. Two different colored LED lights illuminate, one during the cooking phase, and the other when the machine automatically switches to warm when cooking is done. Included with the machine are a textured plastic paddle for stirring and serving, and a plastic measuring cup calibrated specifically for rice. All the unit"s removable parts are dishwasher-safe. The cooker measures 7-3/4 by 7-3/4 by 9 inches, and is covered by a three-year warranty. --Ann Bieri
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