『Hepco & Becker トップケースキャリア Easyrack ブラック Ducati Multistrada 1200 / S (2010-2014)』はセカイモンでbkzcdbouから出品され、64の入札を集めて12月30日 17時 53分に、33470円で落札されました。即決価格は33470円でした。決済方法はに対応。山梨県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
The Hepco&Becker Easyrack is especially designed for our topcases. As the successor to the luggage rack made of round tubing, the Easyrack continues the tradition and is offered for later-generation motorcycles. This means you can attach nearly every Hepco&Becker topcases, wether aluminium or plastic and choose freely from the whole product line.
Every Easyrack is developed for the specific model and fits beautifully into the motorcycles overall look. Production from premium aluminium gives the Easyrack great strengt and an elegant look. The Easyrack design integrates additional luggage belt fastening points for attaching baggage rolls etc.
recommended load: 5kg into the topcase (please check manual and motorbike manufacturer for special info)
Delivery: bike specific main frame, Easyrack adapter, mounting kit, manual
No additional adapters needed for mounting a Hepco&Becker Topcase
Attention: Hepco&Becker Topcase with an universal plastic adapter plate and the Orbit Topcase do not fit. Only the normal Hepco&Becker Topcases with a metal look on the bottom
can mostly be combined with C-Bow sidecarrier or normal hard lugagge sidecarrier: Please check manual or bike specific info
Difference to the Alurack topcasecarrier: the bow which can be folded down on the Easyrack stands rigidly upwards on the Alurack
bike specific main frame is mostly the same at Alurack and Easyrack
Suitable for : Ducati Multistrada 1200 / S 2010 - 2014
Item no. : 661727 01 01
EAN : 4042545541118
Vehicle specific information : Please check mounting instructions for more info
Weight : 3.0 kg
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